Conicet Nova
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NOVA Activities

Since its creation in 2009, NOVA has tried to encourage participation in astroinformatics field, through the organization of events and presentations in meetings.

Astroinformatics NOVA Meeting
23rd August 2016

In this edition: + HPC - Big Data and numerical model + Access to data using Python and ADQL + Using Machine Learning in research with R and Python + Publication of Spectral Data into NOVA + P En esta edición: + HPC - Big Data y modelos numéricos + Acceso a datos usando python y ADQL + Uso de Machine Learning (aprendizaje automático) en la investigación en Astronomía con R y Python + Publicaci&oocute;n de Espectros en NOVA - Uso del NOVA + IT projects of popular science: Cientópolis + Round table: ideas, new projects and future meetings

More information (in spanish)

Events NOVA en La Plata, San Juan y Córdoba
10th, 14th and 21st August 2015

A serie of talks that introduce the software NOVA, working with astronomical data uploading to the national data repository.

More information (spanish)

57th Asociación Argentina de Astronomía Annual Meeting
September 15th-19th, 2014. Córdoba, Argentina.

"The NOVA Database", NOVA collaboration. Poster presented.

43 JAIIO Jornadas Argentinas de Informática
September 1st-5th, 2014. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"Data-mining and image procesing for NOVA", PhD. Roberto Gamen (invited talk in ASAI and AST). Abstract

Astroinformatics 2014
August 25th - 29th, 2014. Viña del Mar, Chile.

"NOVA - Nuevo Observatorio Virtual Argentino", Leticia Lorena Rodríguez and collaboration NOVA. Poster.

Also, NOVA offered an economic assistance to attend by making an open contest between interested people. The winner was Sebastian Gurovich (IATE, CONICET). More Information (spanish).

Now a days, the growth of collected data makes computer's software, a primodial tool for research. It allows the availability of information and It helps to be more efficient in astronomical data query and analysis.

There is a huge variety of software to access to Virtual Observatories. To take advantage of all online information available in the Virtual Observatories around the world, it is needed to know the software to accomplish that task.

NOVA Nuevo Observatorio Virtual Argentino invites you to participate in local and international events about Virtual Observatories.

2nd Workshop about Tools for Virtual Observatories
November 20th and 21st , 2013. Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires, La Plata, Argentina.

1st Workshop about Tools for Virtual Observatories
June 4th and 5th, 2013. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.